Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Bathroom=Magic Room

My High School is a freezing, frigid building. I cannot understand it. It feels like the interior of a refrigerated boxcar. When I tell people this, they shake their heads and say “Oh, Laura. The building is state of the art. There are heaters EVERYWHERE. You’re just a surly teenager.” They’ll rue the day they said that, mark my words. They’ll wish they could take those words back when I go into hypothermia in the middle of Algebra, lie down on the carpet, and die.

But there is one room within this great icebox that is blissfully, wonderfully, fantastically warm. My friends…I speak of the girl’s bathroom. More specifically, the girl’s bathroom on the first floor. It’s absurd, really. And magical. Typically I only go to into the bathroom when it’s absolutely necessary. But now that winter’s here…I go in there and never want to leave. I won’t even realize how cold I am until I round the corner, push the door open, and feel the heat wave wrap me in a loving embrace that pulls me in and holds me captive (a very willing captive, ‘tis true) until the last possible moment when I have to fight its tantalizing grip out the door. When the door shuts behind me, I hear a voice that says “No! Come back! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!” I almost turn back. Almost. But somehow I muster the courage to fight back the tears and keep walking. Then I have to stop in the middle of the hallway and try to defrost the tears that have just frozen to my face. I go to class and shiver through the entire period. Then the bell rings, and I’m off like a bottle of diet coke and mentos to the room that has become my Wonderland, Narnia, and Neverland. It welcomes me back with open arms and holds me close until I am forced to leave once more.

Oi…what a vicious cycle. It pains now me even to write it. Why do I do this to myself?! If I had any sense of decency, I’d say “To the devil with education! It’s so overrated,” take a comfy chair, some books, and a lifetime supply of ravioli and Nutella into the first floor girl’s bathroom of my high school and never come out again.

Oh my goodness...you have absolutely NO IDEA how tempting that is. No. Idea.

1 comment:

  1. Especially the Nutella part. That's tempting. And the books. And the comfy chair.

    I guess all of it sounds pretty tempting.
